Does anyone here have any practical experience with the Kitaco iMap for the FI Zoomer.
My Zoomer came fitted with a Polini CDI which would happily get the bike up to 40MPH + but caused multiple starting and stalling issues, apparently this is a common problem with the Polini unit.
Wanting a more reliable bike I removed the CDI which returned the engine to stock.
The only other CDI option for the FI bike is the Kitaco iMap. I have fitted one of these but frankly have noticed little difference in the overall performance. I have checked my wiring several times and it looks fine to me. At the moment Iâm playing around with slider weights to get the performance as good as possible but the top speed is still well short of that achieved with the Polini.
Iâd be interested to hear from anyone in the UK or Europe who has a FI Zoomer and has installed an iMap with positive results.
My Zoomer is a 2007 UK model with a Polini variator, and 5g Dr Pulley sliders (about to try 5.5g). Got a tach fitted, highest reading around 8200rpm. I weight in around 225lb
Hi Simon,
Greeting from Indonesia, faaar awayđ
I very agree with you about polini cdi problem and imap that doesnt give significant result. My 2008 zoomer has not using them anymore. The last try, 2-3 years ago, the best speed of my zoomer was about 84kph on the flat and 92kph downhill, with metropolitan gear.
I thing good ignition coil is enough, the key for higher speed is about transmission system for this Fi scooter and remember what 50cc 4t scooter power can give, very limitedđ.
Find the best cvt ratio and final gear ratio for more top speed. For the first attempt is put honda metropolitanâs final gears to replace the zoomerâs stock gears, you can buy at drowsports online store. It will make heavier ratio from 13,7:1 to 12,12:1. Then find the correct roller weight, i guess 4,5-5,0 gr good for your body weight. Shave the variator to let the belt move at highest position. But now iâm using heavier final gear ratio, i combined between kitaco gear and metropolitan gear, it gives me around 11,2:1 final gear ratio, still ok for my 178lbs body weight.
Here is my current transmission specification:
KN variator, shaved
Stock drive face, shaved
780/16.5/28 gates belt
GY6 50 rear pulley, 3.5mm washer
Yamaha Mio 112mm clutch, local scooter
Piaggio 112mm bell clutch
Kitaco and metâs final gear, combined
Stock ignition coil with iboost(local product)
I hope my shallow experiences will help to make your zoomer faster, thanks.
(I apologize for my bad englishđ)
Thanks very much for your message and apologies for the delay in replying.
All your info was very interesting. I donât expect a 50cc scooter to go very fast with my weight on it , but I have been looking to get up to 40mph at least.
Luckily the Kitaco iMap is now finally doing that. I am able to alter the fuel injection values using the separate Kitaco PC Link Cable. You can follow my efforts via my Youtube page:
You have an impressive collection of bikes. I have had a few scooters over the years, makes include Bajaj, Adly, Piaggio, Yamaha, Sym and of course Honda.
Anyway, thanks again for getting in touch, all the best from Scotland to Indonesia