The speedo doesn’t fit in the housing so I’m going to have to pack it. Have got the dims I need from the trial fit, and have updated the model. Need to print and try again.
Have left the new bars fitted in the meantime. Forget how every time you change something you have to adjust how you ride!
Can’t get the original housing to sit around the stem in the right place though. Gonna have to cut it. Will start by following the natural fold line in it.
I didnt realise one side was different to the other, so don’t feel too bad about evening them up.
I’ve come to the conclusion that mounting to the bars isn’t going to work as there isn’t enough space. So have changed approach and am bolting to the main stem bolt (with a secondary nut) now.
I’ve done about 7 versions of this mount now. And it’s still not quite right, but have got somewhere close and is usable.
It’s still not right, but it works. I’ll come back to it again at some point as I can’t leave it alone! I can at least now have the ruckus tree, a modern speedo, any bars I want, and the oem surround - all at once!
It’s been great, was def worth the money. Gonna design a rear fender mount for my Zoomer next… haven’t thought through it yet, but it’s something I couldn’t solve before so gonna give it a go. It’s great for solving unique issues.
So far have been able to design most things in tinkercad, then sliced in cues, so has been easy.
After that, I was thinking I could design a replacement for the bag hook on the Met. Just can’t think what to put there that’s more useful - actually do use the hook!
My engine is getting very muddy as there is no rear fender anymore. Thought it would use the same rear fender set up as on my Zoomer, just to protect the engine (not keep my dry).
So printed a bracket, and ordered another fender from Aliexpress.
Got the fender. It’s not the right blue, and it’s a bit scratched up. So if I mess it up it doesn’t matter (although it’s the only fender I can find in the UK!)
Leaving the lower of my original brackets. And cutting the indicator wires - will sort them later.
Ok. So the ruckus tree is 215mm wide. I couldn’t be bothered taking the whole stem apart to play with it. So I made a wooden template of the right width.
I used the rear panel to see how much to keep pulling - once the bolts line up it’s in theory sorted. Then I put the panel back on and tried it again to check. Seems ok - not sure how you tell if it straight.
The heat has warped and cracked the paint - but not too bad - it’s the wrong colour anyway. Some plastics aren’t painted so they may be better to do this with one of those.
Ended up cutting off more than that, but didn’t take a photo. Also filed it smooth.
The fender bolt hole didn’t line up with the bracket as it was slightly on the wonk. Not sure how I could have addressed this at the template stage, but with the rear panel fitted I heated the fender again, whilst in position, to try and manoeuvre it to be straight. Worked ok, but cracked some more paint.
@regenerated82 i wouldn’t say that the speedo mount model was finalised as it doesn’t quite line up with the bodywork panel, but I have moved on to other things so I’m probably not going to go back and perfect it.
Things are a bit busy over the next couple of weeks, but give me some time and I’ll go find the file and post it up.
ok, so here is the latest file i can find for my speedo mount:
Accuracy of Designs
As I said its not perfect. It is made specifically for my set up (e.g. riser adaptor, handlebar stem adaptor) so may need adapting to suit your own requirements (note I made my own tree riser so may not be the same height as other peoples).
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